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Sandra Schmid

Art Jewellery

"Black Beauty Rings"


“You have to go through fire”

This work looks into the wonders of renewal. Some seeds need nearly destructive conditions like fire, drought and ice to open and germinate. Fire is a greatly feared phenomenon. When human kind learned to control it, they were able to apply it to their advantage. In this work the ancient technique of fire carving has been applied. 

Instead of an open flame molten silver is used to burn and coal the surface and then removed.The function of the precious metal is reversed and instead of being the creative substance, here it serves as the tool in the process. Through repeated (repetitive) melting and pouring the silver diminishes like tools would wear in the procedure. 

The final necklaces are made of the object and tools. Equally important they form the mother plant and the seeds.

Inspired by the Banksia plant this work looks into the wonders of renewal. Some seeds need nearly destructive conditions like fire, drought and ice to open and germinate.

Banksias will not shed their seeds unless there is a fire. Indeed, it is almost impossible to remove them from the plant because they are held in hard woody two-valved capsules. But as the flames scorch the branches, the intense heat causes the capsules to open.





Stones are a universally recognised natural material, appreciated for their physical and spiritual properties.  Sturdy and durable they provide shelter and safety.  On a beach or road they can seem small and worthless, but as adornment they carry memories and cultural meaning.


In this way, Rockstars draws links between people and stones, implying that our identities can also be shaped by our environment and the contexts we place ourselves in. 

Filthy Lucre





 A tree offers us shelter from harsh sunlight, so we

can rest in the shadow. It spans its branches and protects us from rain. Climbing up into its

arms we can hide and while the wind sweeps through the foliage we dream and feel safe.

Tree houses are a common retreat for children, nevertheless we still build our houses out

of wood as adults.

My rings are made from wood and feel warm and comfortable and are a reminder of those

moments hidden away. While the sparkle of the stones are like glimpses of sunlight

breaking through the foliage .

Safe Spaces


“A memory of spaces that have preserved security of morality.”

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